German Movies and German Cinema

Unfortunately, German cinema and German film has not yet received the international attention it deserves. Although Germany has a number of very good filmmakers and the originality of German films is in a category all of its own. Discover the German film jewels with us.
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This site's categories:
| cinema today | cinema Portals | festivals | history of German cinema | directors | actors | Streaming portals |
| cinema today | cinema Portals | festivals | history of German cinema | directors | actors | Streaming portals |
Cinema today
- The current movie premières in Germany can be found at
- offers a German-wide cinema program ("Kinotimer"): You can search for a certain film, your favourite cinema, the time, a certain actor or a special city.
- provides varied information about the medium of film, ranging from reviews of the latest cinema and DVD releases to TV recommendations and specials on film festivals or directors.
- The program guides in Germany's mayor cities also publish current cinema programs. Here is a selection:
- Regional information for Bamberg: Cinestar and Lichtspiel in Bamberg down town; close to Bamberg are the cinema centers Cinecitta in Nuremberg and CineStar in Erlangen
Portals for German Cinema
- is the national information and advisory center for the promotion of German films worldwide. With a festival guide and many links (in English)
- - Here you will find everything about Movies: Cinema, TV, Technique, Media, Shops, Travel and more .... including a large search engine. If you want to find the latest news, go directly to the press releases.
- Film databases with a similar offer are:
- Internet Movie Database
- Filmlexikon at Zweitausendeeins. With the help of a search engine, you will find hundreds of films with information about content, directors and actors.
- Kinoweb with large film archive as well as information about movies that will be released soon or that are currently on stage.
- Short film database at
- Guide to the German Film (Wegweiser zum deutschen Film), offered by the German Cultural Center (Goethe Institute)
Film Festivals
- Berlinale: International Film Festival in Berlin
- Hofer Filmtage: An important film festival for the "New German Film"
- Babelsberg Film Studios
- Deutscher Filmpreis (German Movie Award)
- Export-Union des deutschen Films (export union of the German Film)
- Hochschule für Film und Fernsehen (Academy for Film and Television, Babelsberg)
- Filmförderungsanstalt (FFA) (German National Film Board)
- Filmstiftung NRW (Film Foundation NRW)
History of Cinema
- offers history clips for the purpose of supporting learning the German language, German history and German culture
- CineGraph
- DEFA Archive at University of Massachusetts Amherst
- Early German Cinema(pdf)
- German Film Museum, Frankfurt
- German Film Institute
- Munich Film Museum
- Stiftung Deutsche Kinemathek (Foundation German Cinemathek)
- Pacific Film Archive, Berkeley
- The German-Hollywood Connection
German Directors
- Buck, Detlef (Wir können auch anders, Männerpension)
- Dörrie, Doris (Bin ich schön?, Erleuchtung garantiert)
- Emmerich, Roland (Stargate, Independence Day)
- Fasbinder, Rainer Werner (Die Ehe der Maria Braun, Angst essen Seele auf)
- Herzog, Werner (Aguirre, der Zorn Gottes)
- Lang, Fritz [1] [2] Metropolis, Dr. Mabuse)
- Link, Caroline (Nirgendwo in Afrika, Jenseits der Stille)
- Lubitsch, Ernst (Ninotschka, Sein oder Nichtsein)
- Petersen, Wolfgang (Airforce One, Outbreak, Das Boot)
- Riefenstahl, Leni (Triumph des Willens, Olympia)
- Schlöndorff, Volker (Die Blechtrommel, Die verlorene Ehre der Katharina Blum)
- Tykwer, Tom (Lola rennt)
- Wenders, Wim (Der Himmel über Berlin)
- Wortmann, Sönke (Der bewegte Mann, Das Wunder von Bern)
The most popular German actors and actresses
- Adorf, Mario
- Bleibtreu, Moritz
- Dietrich, Marlene (engl.)
- Elsner, Hannelore
- George, Götz
- Kinski, Klaus
- Krol, Joachim
- Loriot, alias Vicco von Bülow
- Müller-Stahl, Armin
- Potente, Franka
- Riemann, Katja
- Rühmann, Heinz
- Schweiger, Til
- Vogel, Jürgen
- Jan Niklas
- A good source for research on other starlings:
Streaming portals and other pages of interest
- : All your streaming services in one place. Browse, search, and watch TV & Movies from over 150 services, Netflix, Hulu, HBO, Disney+, Prime Video, Free Services and more!
The most popular German film hits of the German learners at Sprachinstitut TREFFPUNKT during our afternoon video sessions:
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