
poem on the wall at
Sprachinstitut TREFFPUNKT The time seems to be over, that in every family there is a shelf-filling encyclopedias. Nevertheless, it still has its charm not to surf immediately for Wikipedia, but to take one of the weighty volumes in hand and not only to read what we are searching for, but also to browse a few pages of the same letter. The editors of the encyclopedias mentioned below give some short information for free but detailed explications we be charged always. Almost all Encyclopedias are available in the Internet in the meantime.
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In German language
- The Bibliographische Institut & F. A. Brockhaus AG publishes the famous "Brockhaus Enzyklopädie". The basic edition (latest from the year 1999) contains 24 volumes (260,000 keywords on 17,000 pages). Meanwhile there are a number of supplements available. (#1). For the registered owner of the encyclopedia a further editorial service is free.
One can investigate and receive short information freely so for with a search string .
- Die deutsche Bibliothek is the national bibliographical centre of the Federal Republic of Germany and fulfils the function of a national library. It offers a variety of online services around the use of dictionaries.
- getabstract.com offers summaries (8 pages) of more than 2,500 works in the field of economy, trend research, finances, management and personality development. They are immediately available by e-mail and printable as a PDF file or in other formats. The summaries ("Abstracts") and also 'Mini-Abos' cost € 9.80.
- German SPECIAL: Encyklopedia of language of the youth, in alphabetical order. Or de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jugendsprache, or 900 sayings of the Poesiealbum
- Special information
- Fischers Weltalmanach offers country information, news and biographies.
- The Projekt Gutenberg-DE is an digital online library with texts in German language of more than 200 classical books.
In English language
- The most renowned English speaking reference book is the Encyclopedia Britannica. A convenient online research is available at a price of $ 5.00/month.
- The biggest one-volume English dictionary is the Columbia Encyclopedia.
You can examine all of the over 51,000 entries online in full text.
The service Infoplease.com also makes the same information base available.
In addition it searches also in dictionaries and historical documents. - Furthermore there are two interesting services offering a very large information volume:
- The WWW Virtual Library, described as: "VL is the oldest catalogue of the web. Unlike commercial catalogues, it is run by a loose confederation of volunteers, who compile pages of key links for particular areas in which they are expert; even though it isn't the biggest index of the web, the VL pages are widely recognized as being amongst the highest-quality guides to particular sections of the web".
- Detailed and often updated country information is offered by the US government : The CIA World Factbook
Visit UsefulResearchPapers.com research proposal collection for those students who study English language and need assistance in writing research papers.
#1 This 20th edition, ISBN: 3-7653-3100-7, | #2
| #3
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Electronical Encyclopedias
* latest edition available on DVD
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