Visit our suggestions for language learners:
- Newsletter TREFFPUNKT-ONLINE | February 2025
- Gift voucher for German online lessons
- German Test Lesson 1-to-1 | with a professional teacher | learn German online in a motivating & effective way
- Home Tuition German - gain excellent study results through learning and living in the teachers' house
- Our German Level Test Online - with evaluation and explanations within minutes
- More than manners - Business Etiquette in Germany - the leading bi-lingual guide about career and manners in Germany (eBook & paperback)

Practice German :
Discover the German Culture via Internet
- Literatur
- Encyclopedia (Lexika)
- Cinema (Film & Kino)
- Fairy Tales (Märchen)
- Jokes (Witze)
- Music (Musik)
- TV & Radio (Fernsehen & Radio)
- Newsletter
- What's on in Germany? (Was ist los in Deutschland)
- Journalism (Journalismus)
- Public festivals (Volksfeste)
- German cuisine and recipes (Deutsche Rezepte)
- Special events : Christmas (Weihnachten)

Learn German where it is spoken
- ...before the course starts (vor Kursbeginn)
- ...during the course (während dem Kurs)
- ...after the course (nach dem Kurs
- Educational resources
- Which is the best accommodation for me?
- Sprachinstitut TREFFPUNKT-ONLINE : Specialized in adult German training in small groups or individual tuition
Learn German at distance : German as a foreign language : Deutsch als Fremdsprache (DaF)
- Free German Course (12 lessons)
- Learning German via online chat like Skype, ZOOM ...
- German as a foreign language on the Internet (Deutsch als Fremdsprache - DaF - im Internet)
- Textbooks (Lehrbücher DaF)
- Learning software (Lernsoftware)
- Dictionaries (Wörterbücher)
- German for autodidacts and supporters (Deutsch für Selbstlerner und Unterstützer)

- Travel German (Deutsch für die Reise)
- Online German courses (Online Deutschkurse)
- The German spelling reform (Rechtschreibreform)
- German Grammar (Deutsche Grammatik
- German Tests (Deutschtests)
- German certificates (Deutsche Sprachzertifikate)
- Tips to test anxiety in language tests (Tips gegen Prüfungsangst)
- German for kids (Deutsch für Kinder)
- Reading tips I: books for the respective language levels from A1 to B2
- Reading tips II: books for the respective language levels from A1 to B2
Explore Germany :
Practical Guides & Tips
- City maps (Stadtpläne)
- 10 links to the German economy (10 Links zur deutschen Wirtschaft
- German Business Etiquette (Business Etikette in Deutschland)
- Relocation to Germany (Umziehen in Deutschland )
- Job application in Germany (Bewerben in Deutschland)
- Job scouts online (Jobbörsen Online)
- Meeting point for students (Treffpunkt für Studenten)
- Internship in Germany (Praktika in Deutschland)
- Culture and travel in Germany (in German only)